TC21 (Wi-Fi only) and TC26 (Wi-Fi and cellular) touch computers are value-priced devices designed specifically to give businesses of all sizes access to Zebra’s best-in-class technology so they can compete effectively without breaking the bank.
Workforce Connect – Push-to-Talk app for businesses
Workforce Connect from Zebra Technologies is an enterprise push-to-talk app which can help to boost efficiency, productivity and safety across the whole business. Push-to-talk communication allows colleagues to communicate faster and clearer – it removes the unnecessary time it takes to make phone calls, allows teams to communicate on a wider scale rather than just one-to-one, and can connect teams both inside and outside the organisation’s four walls.
Many businesses rely on smart devices for vital everyday functions like scanning, data management and job ticketing, so Workforce Connect is an easy way to bolt push-to-talk communication onto existing infrastructure. The fewer devices a worker has to carry, the more efficiently they can carry out their job – Workforce Connect allows workers to do it all from their chosen device which could be a smartphone, tablet, PDA or Windows PC.
For full TC21/TC26 specifications and features, please click here.
Contact us today with your requirements.